Listen toĀ Lian and Mason, Puff Herbals founder and HerbRally founder, puff on plants and chat about all things herbal on this episode of the HerbRally Herbalist Hour Podcast. Lian tells her herbal origin story, explains how to craft herbal smoking blends, and so much more.
Watch the conversation on YouTube here:
or listen to the conversation on Spotify here!

The HerbRally Podcast is a daily herbal podcast, takingĀ a deep dive into all things herbal with some of the best teachers in the field of plant medicine, wild foods, botany and health accessibility. You'll hear class recordings from conferences, narrated plant monographs, books, and blog posts, interviews, event updates and so much more.
For educational purposes only. The information in this podcast has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug AdministrationĀ andĀ is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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